AKC Fetch Program

AKC Fetch titles were created as another activity in which owners could have fun with their dogs in the AKC Family Dog program. Earning AKC Fetch titles provides opportunities for both physical and mental exercise. While some dogs are natural retrievers, AKC Fetch, especially at the advanced levels, will involve teaching new skills such as retrieving. AKC Fetch titles are fun to earn and can be used as a required AKC title for earning the gold level of AKC Fit Dog.
There are four fetch titles you can earn. For each of the four titles the dog must pass the test twice under two different approved judges. Tests must be administered in person as part of a formal event (there is an event application process).
AKC Fetch Novice (FTN) - to earn the Fetch Novice title dogs must retrieve a tennis ball, bumper or a toy that has been thrown 30 feet. The course has 4 distractions the dog goes between those distractions to retrieve. The dog will seen where the ball is thrown and can be held by the collar while the ball is being thrown. In all AKC Fetch tests the dog must wait for the fall (the fetch object to land) before the dog is sent to retrieve the item. The dog will do three "single" retrieves. The dog must return with the object within 3 feet (2 steps) of the handler without having an extended game of tug with the object.
AKC Fetch Intermediate (FTI) - to earn the Fetch Intermediate title the dog must retrieve a tennis ball, bumper or a toy that has been thrown 50 feet. The course has 8 distractions the dog goes between to retrieve. The dog can see where the ball has been thrown and can be held by the collar with one finger. In all AKC Fetch tests the dog must wait for the fall (the fetch object to land) before the dog is sent to retrieve the item. The dog will do four "single" retrieves. The dog must return with the object within 2 feet (1 step) of the handler without having an extended game of tug with the object.
AKC Fetch Advanced (FTA) - to earn the Fetch Advanced title blind retrieves are introduced. The distance is 70 feet. The course has three blinds (which are screens at least 24" tall and 10-12 feet wide). As the dog sits at the handlers side unrestrained a helper drops a bumper/ball behind each blind as the dog watches or the handler may throw the bumpers/balls (no toys can be used for this level) over the blinds. In all AKC Fetch tests the dog must wait for the fall (the fetch object to land) before the dog is sent to retrieve the item. The dog must do 2 "single" retrieves and two double retrieves. In Advanced the handler may not hold the collar. The dog must return with the fetch object close enough to the handler for the handler to take the object or delivers to hand.
AKC Fetch Retriever (FTR) - this is the most advanced level. The distance for the retrieves is 80 feet and as with advanced the course has three blinds. The dog must do 2 double retrieves and 1 triple retrieve. As with advanced a helper may drop the bumpers/balls (no toys can be used for this level) or the handler may choose to throw them or have a helper throw. The handler may not hold the collar. In all AKC Fetch tests the dog must wait for the fall (the fetch object to land) before the dog is sent to retrieve the item. The dog must return with the fetch object close enough to the handler for the handler to take the object or delivers to hand.
The AKC Fetch titles can be used to fill the requirement to have an AKC fitness related title for the gold level of the AKC Fit Dog program.